
Introduction to the Offcenit API

Our API is used for managing our platform and applications in a declerative manner. The API will be encompassed by several systems such as exposing metrics, customer management and so forth. But the main component is in development under the codename BitOps and this is where it's documentation will lie.

All our systems use OpenAPI which documents the endpoints, how to use them and responses. This document will be a support framework which contains the concepts, an overview of the system, good pratices, guides and other documentation that is helpful to understand and use the systems.

The documentation will also cover how to contribute and develop APIs. Developing applications is tightly knit, but it is made to be more broad in order to be suited to be used by more than just the Offcenit team. Developing our own APIs will have more principles that are specific to the Offcenit team, this is so all our systems are developed in the same manner and anyone can go to a project and know what to expect before even looking at the code or documentation specific for that project.